I wanted a to create a strong reaction from my viewers with this spread. That’s why I decided on using actual discarded cigarette butts that create the words for my headline. Each butt I personally collected from various sidewalks and planters. And trust me, it didn’t take very long before I had a large ziplock ready to go.
Here, I am constructing each letterform using the found butts. I was sure to use gloves and a mask to protect my own health on this one (the smell was overwhelming enough to make me gag). Ew. I decided on the term ‘Ban Butts’ for the cover to create awareness on the possibility of not using butts period, or at the very least moving towards a more sustainable product. The the headline ‘Little Butts’ (Big Problems) was an attempt to reframe the idea of “It’s only one tiny butt, what’s the big deal?” Because every little butt adds up to a lot of problems.
I created the illustrations in the layout to add some humor to a pretty serious topic. I was inspired by various anti-tobacco ads that ranged from humorous to serious. Therefore, I wanted to find a nice balance in my own work. Check out some of that inspiration in my mood board.